

Institute of Urban and Rural Mines(IURM) is a platform established based on Changzhou University. With academician Xie Ke-Chang as the honorary Dean and academician Chen Yong as the chief scientist, the research interests of this institute focus on the development of urban and rural mines.The research fields include the development of recycling technology and the energy utilization technology of organic wastes ( life waste,agricultural waste, poultry excrement, industrial wastes), inorganic wastes (industrial ash, construction waste residue), and the residue heat and energy at medium and low temperature. The specific research directions are as follows: 1. the comprehensive utilization system of agricultural waste, 2. livestock and poultry chemical process system, 3. nearly zero emission technology in residential area, 4. inorganic ash group building materials processing technology, 5. biodiesel technology systems of waste oil, 6. comprehensive utilization system of waste rubber, 7. the automation pretreatment system of living garbage, 8. cloud computing platform of urban and rural mines.
